An old interview with Kevin
Source : Mr. Body Beautiful What are you like first thing in the morning? Kevin : It depend on whether I've had lots of sleep or not. This morning I was a bit upset 'cause I was rushing around packing and I hate rushing in the morning! I wasn't in a good mood. Normally I'm quite laid-back. Would you say you're a scrooge? Kevin : Not really. I don't worry about money but I try to be wise with it. As long as my bills are paid. What do you think is the sexiest part of your body? Kevin : People tell me my eyes are pretty nice and I get lots of compliments. I don't think they're anything special as I've looked at them all my life. Would you say you're vain? Kevin : Not particularly. In this business you have to make sure that you look OK - but I don't think I'm exceptionally vain. Have you lost all your buddies from home? Kevin : I have two really, really close friends and we've kept in touch mostly by phone. We did spend six days at home a few months ago. What do you think people's minds look like? Kevin : It'd be lots of colors and flashing lights! What's your worst fear? Kevin : Failure! Not being happy. I've set my standards high, and if I fail, then I'll try again. When was the last time a girl turned you down? Kevin : I haven't really asked anybody out for a long while. One time I was in a club, back in the US, and there was this girl that works there who always gets hit on all the time. I asked her if she would like to go out for lunch. She said, 'I've got a boyfriend', and I was like, 'Ok, bye, see ya!' I think she just said that 'cause she didn't want to know! Would you ever have plastic surgery? Kevin : Nah, I don't think you should mess around with Mother Nature or what God's given you. The only thing I'm considering changing is a bad scar on my cheekbone - I got it playing basketball, and I needed 12 stitches! I've been told it might get worse as I get older. How often do you lie in interviews? Kevin : I'm pretty honest. If I don't like something, I'll just say, 'That's none of your business and I don't want to answer that question.' What would you be doing now if you weren't in the band? Kevin : I would like to have been a teacher. I wouldn't be a bad teacher, maybe a little strict. I would constantly make sure the homework was done. And I can't stand a mess, so a tidy classroom and clean blackboard would be the lesson for the day. Its my personality - I'm a perfectionist. Working with children is a cool occupation when you think about it. As well as teaching subjects, I could amuse them. I know a lot of jokes and games. My nephews and nieces think my jokes are okay. That gives me an idea, you know. Why don't I write books for children?! I could get Nick to draw the illustrations 'cos he's a great cartoonist. Basically, I don't know what the future holds for me; how long the Backstreet Boys will last. But Backstreet Boys or not, I eventually want to marry a nice woman and have two kids. Without that, my life wouldn't be complete. What's the most embarrassing thing that happened to you at school? Kevin : I must have been about eight years old. I ran to the school dining hall 'cos it was raining really heavy outside. I slid on the wet grass and my trousers were caked with mud. I was soaked to the skin. I had to go to the secretary's office and ask if they had any spare clothes they could lend me. The only thing they had were these jeans. They must have belonged to the janitor or somebody 'cos they were, like, four sizes too big for me. I had to tie a rope round my waist to keep them up. I was flopping all over the place and tripping over the hems. I hated it! What's your favorite place for a first date? Kevin : I like to go to a quiet place, to be able to hear myself speak and get to know a girl more. I don't like fancy dinners at flashy restaurants. I prefer something low-key and intimate. I never take romance fast. I never reveal too much on a first date - just in case things don't work out between us. Nine times out of ten I let girls do the asking out. It's kind of cool. I love the flattery of flirting. I try to act as clever as possible, according to the mood I'm in. My mum and dad taught me to be polite, so I always believe in opening the car door for a girl, pulling her chair out when she sits down and letting her order her food first. In France it's a compliment to the chef when you belch out loud, but I don't think that's such a fantastic idea if you're trying to impress a girl. Do you remember your first kiss? Kevin : It was at a skating rink when I was 12. Her name was Jena, she was in charge and it was very nice. That's all I can say. Have you ever been in love? Kevin : I thought I was once. I was engaged when I was 19, but I was too young. I wasn't ready. Her name was Beth. We had dated for about a year and I thought we were right for each other, but we found out we we didn't now each other at all. At the time I was going through a lot as my father died of cancer. I think I got engaged because I needed something to brighten up my life. Who's your dream girl? Kevin : I guess it would have to be Elle Macphearson or Michelle Pfeiffer, she's a great actress and beautiful. But the trouble is there's too many beautiful women out there. I like girls who have a good smile and a good sense of humor. And she has to dress sexy but classy so when I see her it makes me go, 'Wow!' What's the most romantic thing you've ever done? Kevin : I was dating this girl once and she had to go to the doctor's really early in the morning, so I got up at 5am that day and made a little breakfast package. I went to her apartment and when she opened the door I was standing there with a tray full of fresh fruit, roses and a bagel. Who don't you swear in front of and why not? Kevin : Ladies - especially my mother! And my elders of course, but I try not to swear anyway - it's not very polite! What animals are you most scared of, and why? Kevin : Well, I'm not really scared of any animals to be honest with you, but there is one creature that I have to admit I really don't likem and that tarantulas. Eurgh! They give me the creeps! What kind of pants are you wearing at the moment? Kevin : Erm, hang on (Rustles around) I've got grey Calvin Kleins on. What's the most imperfect part of your body? Kevin : That is such a question! Erm, I think it's got to be my biceps because they're not big enough. I need to work on those! Have you ever two- timed anyone, and if so, were you ever caught? Kevin : I have dated two girls at the same time before and they both knew about the other one. Nothing happened because we were just dating - it wasn't anything serious, so neither of them could say anything. Name someone who has made you cry. Kevin : I was on the phone with my grandma not too long ago and she started crying down the phone, saying how proud she was of me. I was on the other end getting real choked up, but they weren't sad tears, they were happy ones. Have you ever worried you weren't normal, and if so, why? Kevin : There have been times when I've been on the road with the band and and looked around and thought, 'Wow, what's going on?' Y'know, like, 'Why is this happening to me?' I've been overwhelmed! Who makes you all hot and bothered? "Liv Tyler is pretty incredible - she's got a really cool personality. I mean, she's grown up with the parents that she had and the life she's had. She's very humble, very sweet and her movies are good too!" What's your most anti-social habit? I think it's probably when I'm getting ready for a show or when I'm working, because I tend to go off in my own little world and just focus on that particular thing. I do like to concentrate on what I'm doing." Who is the ugliest person you can think of? Kevin : Hellraiser!!!!! Were you ever bullied? How did you get out of it? Kevin : I've been tested a few times by people who've tried to push me too far. But I've always stood up for myself, plus I had the advantage of having two big brothers, so bullies were too scared to try anything.
Why aren't you a lead vocalist in the group? You're always together. How can you manage not to kill each other? Who's got the worst temper? What do you consider the most interesting part of tour life? Which do you prefer, recording the album or performing? What's the best part of show business? What can a fan expect from you at a concert? |