Full Name: Kevin Scott Richardson
Birthday: on October, 3 1971
The birthplace: Lexington, KY
The current residence: the Hollywood hills, California
Nicknames: Kev, Kevvy-Kev, Boo (Bear), Emerald Eyes, Mr. Body Beautiful,
the Pumpkin, the Train.
Astrological sign: Libro
Growth: 186 cm
Hair: dark brown color
Eyes: green
Parents: Ann and Jerold Richardson
Native brothers: Jerold and Tim
The marital status: married on Kristin Willits
Favourite Colors: Royal Dark blue, Black and Violet
Favourite cook: Mexican, Italian, Asian, and everything, that his mum
Favourite delicacy: crackers Ritz with oil of a peanut
Favourite Music: classical and soul
Favourite groups or: Eagles, Boys II Men, TLC
Favourite solo artists: Elton John, D'Angelo, R. Kelly, Prince, Babyface,
Billy Joel
Favourite Cinema: Top Gun and The Shawshank Redemption
Favourite teleshows: Roseanne and Martin and Sex in the City
The favourite Book: «Interview to the Vampire " by Ann Ris
Favourite Movie stars: That Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Kevin Spacey, Tom
Hanks, Jim Carrey , Michelle Pfieffer
The favourite Foreign Country: Sweden, Italy
Favourite BSB Songs: Darlin ', As long as you love me, Don't wanna lose
you now, More Than That
The author of songs in BSB: Back to your heart
Songs He's Co-written: Time, The Answer To Our Life, It's True
Favorite saying: Wazz up?
Noticeable Personality Trait: perfectionist
Hobby: Play on keyboard, a water ski, surfing, basketball, hockey and
riding, baseball (played to little league as a catcher)
Talents: the Instructor on latin and ball dances, snowboarding.
Most Likely Too: Urge you too chase your dreams! Kev believes that if
you can dream it you can be it
Pets: 2 dogs (Kit & Jake) the Whales (the hybrid, reminds more, Pit Bull)
Odd Jobs: Played Aladdin at Disney World, Prince Eric at Disney World,
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle at MGM Studios, and played in an Al Capone
play in Disney World, (which he had to sing to a chicken leg!) and a
ballroom dance instructor.
Favourite school subjects: Geometry and the History
Tattooes: it is probably one on his top left hip
Prefers clothes: Phat Farm and Tommy Hilfiger